VALOMA proposes to deploy the “Online People’s Market” model to adapt to the new normal life

With this new model, small businesses can expand business opportunities to millions of users of the e-commerce platform. Even in cases where local markets are not operating due to the impact of the epidemic, the Small businesses can still maintain business operations normally… At an online meeting with the Southern Special Working Group of the […]

VALOMA’s News  (Vol. June 2023)

Box: Remarkable events: Seminar “The press and Logistics Human Resource Development” Networking activities: Seminar “Student start-up with logistics” “VALOMA visited Nestle Bong Sen Factory and Distribution Center” “VALOMA vistied and worked at the Colledge of Foreign Economic Relations” New members: VALOMA admitted individual members Members’ activities: Ba Ria – Vung Tau University organized an international […]